Monday, October 25, 2010

Costumes and Craziness

I am almost finished with my costume for Halloween. The nerd's costume is done and hoo-boy is she gonna be cute. I made the scarf, found the hat, shirt and trousers, and Memu made the blazer and sent a sweater vest that clashes perfectly. So, done on that score and none too soon since her class is going trick or treating at the courthouse this week.

She also anounced last week that since she was going as the Doctor, I had to dress up as the TARDIS. My first reaction was "I refuse to walk around all night in a freakin' box." Luckily, there was another option. I made a TARDIS dress. It's nearly finished. I just have to get some white paint and figure out the light. I'm thinking I'll probably cannibalize one of those cheapy lanterns for the light. I'm totally thrilled with the costume and can't wait for Halloween.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I finished the scarf! I did it, I did it! Go me!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

College Ettiquette (the Online Version)

I have taken many online classes during my time as a student, but just this semester I lucked in to one that was so mind bogglingly awful, I thought I'd share a few pointers for the future. Most seem really simple, but if they make the list, it is because I keep seeing them. So, in no particular order, here they are:
1. Verb tenses exist for a reason. Please pick one and stick with it.

2. Wikipedia is not good source material. There is a wonderful web full of reputable sites to find information. Wikipedia is not one of them.

3. When you "rite liek dis" in a college level class, it makes me want to find you and check to be sure you are in fact older than 12.

4. If you are planning to teach, then for bob sake, rule 3 applies double.

5. When you quote statistics to make yourself sound smarter, make sure you're using them correctly. Being ranked 38th in population puts Nebraska at the bottom of the scale, not the top. Please stop implying otherwise.

6. There is a site that you should all become familiar with. It can be found here. I've even provided a handy link. And for the love of all that's holy, this goes for the instructor too.

7. If you make a point that is controversial, be prepared to defend your point of view. Don't just make it and then refuse to engage. All that proves is your inability to defend your point in a logical manner. Plus, it's really annoying.

8. Spell check is your friend. Use it.

9. I will likely never meet you face to face. My only picture of who you are is through your postings on the discussion board. Keep that in mind.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Taking the Plunge

Deep breath. I'm doing it tonight. Something so terrifying and overwhelming that the majority give up and walk away. I'm.... knitting a Dr. Who scarf. Specifically this one. The Nerd wants to dress up as the fourth Doctor for Halloween this year, so I have seven weeks to knit ten feet of garter stitch. Wish me luck and if you haven't heard from me after a week or two, send out a rescue party.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

So very busy (happy)

School is back in session and I. Am. Loving. It. Finally a half way normal schedule for both of us. the Nerd is in preschool and daycare and seems to be settling in nicely. I'm somewhat unsure of the program. It's new this year and they don't seem to know what they are doing but hopefully it will improve over time.

My class load is heavy, Statistics, Lifespan and Development, Principals and Practicum of Education, Civil War and Reconstruction, World Civilization, and Intro to Cultural Anthropology. Throw in an additional 20 hours of outside Observations and you have one very sleep deprives stressed out overworked happy happy person. After just the first day of classes, I have nine chapter to read as well as statistics problems to answer, posts for my lifespan class and paperwork for my practicum to complete. It's exciting and terrifying all at once.

My knitting continues to grow. I cast on a wisp in some lovely yarn from Craftsmeow and it is coming along beautifully. I'm also gearing up for another intarsia block featuring Tonks from the Harry Potter Movies. I finished Harry before the move and then got caught up in other things. I'm thinking I'll be making more as I really enjoyed the challenge of manipulating all the different colors as well as watching the picture develop. It's also time to start thinking about giftmas knitting and making up a tentative list. I did hats last year, so this year I'm thinking slippers or mittens. Decisions decisions. I have also decided to take a whack at a Dr. Who scarf since the Nerd decided she wants to be the fourth Doctor for Halloween. ten feet of garter stitch. Sigh.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Maternal Instinct...

confuses the ever loving crap out of me. Is there really this magical instinct that kicks in whenever someone in possession of a uterus encounters an infant? If so, mine was broken long ago. After the birth of the nerd, I felt no real desire to cuddle and coo over her. All I wanted was a good nap and a drink. The first few times someone called me mommy made the idea of throwing something float through my overly drugged mind. I couldn't figure out who they were talking to and frankly, I wasn't in a good head space to be listening to overly cheerful medical personnel talk to me like that.

I still don't really like other people's children right off the bat. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but overall? Children are annoying, tweens are obnoxious and teenagers should be locked in a trunk until they are old enough to get a job and move out. Conversely, I am frequently told that children love me. Possibly because I treat them like they have a brain and expect them to function as such. My decision to go into teaching is generally looked at funnily, and I can see why. I think I'll be the kind of teacher that students like and slackers despise and, you know, I'm OK with that. I want to be the kind of teacher that makes kids feel like they *should* do their best rather than just the bare minimum to get by.

After a few years of the joys of parenting, I kind of get the whole "toughest job you'll ever love" pap, but the expectation that there is some kind of magical knowledge of how to be good at interacting with smelly, drooly, poorly coordinated little humans that automatically comes with being a woman as surely as cramps and bloating makes me scoff just a *wee* bit.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The trials of trash cans

When we relocated from Beatrice to Auburn, we lost our trashcan (the curbside one). The day we moved was the day before trash day so once the house was empty, we cleaned everything and set the trash out for pick up. Hubs had planned to go back the next morning to pick up the lawn mower and grill, so we thought we would just pick up the trash can at the same time. The next morning, he returned. No trash can though. Sigh. A pain in the rear, but not the end of the world. So we started looking for a new one. No problem you might be thinking. Yeah... Not so much.

The first week, I looked when we went to Wal*Mart. Sold out. Not a single trash can to be had. Whatever, I'll try again next time. So, a few weeks later when I go back, I look again, thinking that surely there must be trash cans now. Nope, still sold out, or possibly sold out again. Either way, still without a fricking trash can. So I decide to check locally. Orchelen? Nope. Pamida? Nope. Lynnes? Nope. Orchelen in Tecumseh? Nope. Either everyone in the entire southeastern corner of Nebraska needed a new trash can at the exact same time, or I just have really crap luck. We're still on the hunt for trash cans. If you know where any are hiding, feel free to share, since otherwise, we'll just have to redneck it.

On the needles, the heartstrings scarf is making really slow progress and the sock yarn blanket got a few new squares. I'm also starting a mini Dr. Who for the nerd's 4th Dr. costume for Halloween.

Monday, August 2, 2010

It's 3:04

am. WTF am I doing up? Well, mainly putting off all the boring tedious crap I have to do tomorrow. I'm supposed to go to the Reservation with Hubs but I don't want to. At. All. Then after that, the house needs to be cleaned before my grammy gets here. And somewhere in all of that I need to drive an hour away to deposit a check so we can pay our rent. Suckage. I give up.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Selling a kidney

Sounds like a more appealing option every day. I got my book list and it's looking like I'll be using 1K of books this semester. That's right. Those are the books I'll need for ONE semester. FML. I have also struck out looking for daycare for the nerd. All the ones here in town are full up and the one on campus only take kids while there parents are in class. I need care full time M-Th so I have time to get shit done without her underfoot.

I completely rearranged both the living room and dining room this weekend. I blame it entirely on the boredom. I also read more slash than is probably healthy. There are some really good novels out there and just as many that make me want to punch babies (I in no way condone hitting a child, it's just a saying). The Apple Tree by Philo is one of the better ones I've read lately. Fate is a Four Letter Word by Philo is an awesome WIP with fairly regular updates, as is Princes in Exile by LiteraryBeauty. There are a ton more, but those are the ones that spring to mind.

On the needles: A Heartstrings scarf in Orange Sherbet. I also just finished a stripey shrug I made with some scrap brown sheep I had left over from the holidays.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Some how I managed to forget that I even had a blog in the first place. I suppose that I should probably update a bit since it has been an entire year since I did any real blogging. Beatrice came and went, I finished my associate's degree and got accepted to Peru State College. This fall I'll be taking 18 semester hours and hopefully working a part time job. Realistically, I'll probably be lucky to have the time and energy for school and the nerd. Oh well, isn't that kind of the point of financial aid? To cover the things you have to have to survive, like rent and daycare?

The nerd is doing amazingly well. She finished her first year of Pre-K and the differences in her speech patterns are stunning. Hubs got himself promoted and will be going up for another promotion in a few months.

I've been busily unpacking and settling in to the new house. It's twice as big as our last place (which was a ridiculously tiny 513 Sq Ft) and yet I still can't figure out where to put all of our stuff. Admittedly, there are several boxes that should have been "lost" in the move but ended up coming with us anyway. Sigh. Really, who needs three boxes of china tea cups? We don't even drink tea out of tea cups. But god forbid we get rid of the silly things since they were "heirlooms" that sat on his grandmothers china cabinet shelves and were never used in the fifty years she owned them. So now I have the dubious pleasure of trying to find a place for them. Maybe the nerd can help me with that? Hmm. Too devious?

Blerg. Alternately, I still need to get my book list and buy my text books. I'm thinking When I'm done with that, I need to find a daycare too. And that is, as they say, that.