Thursday, December 18, 2008


I have finally managed to get my Christmas cards done and in the mail. I wrote my family news letter and it cracked my hubs up, so I consider that something of a success. Hopefully the rest of my family will enjoy it too. On a crafty note, I've started a blanket for my parents using Chris Simon's constellation squares. So far, I'm really pleased with it. I'll try to get some pictures posted soon. The rush to get the house ready for company has begun and I have thus far cleaned (and by cleaned I mean CLEANED) the bathroom and kitchen. Today, I'm going to tackle my bedroom and the dining room. This way, when the actual day arrives, all I'll have to do is tidy everything back up. Yay! One more week until christmas. I knit a hat for my husband and I really hope he likes it, but either way, it'll be ok, because if he won't wear it, I will.

1 comment:

yarnpiggy said...

It took me forever to get my Christmas cards out, too. Hopefully I didn't forget anybody important. :-)